Harvester Concert Series with Trey Binkley
06.02.2022 - The first Thursday of the month in Downtown Smithville is “Shop Late-Shop Local”, hosted by a group of Downtown Smithville merchants - and this month was no exception with food trucks, live music from Sparta’s Connection Band, and the downtown folks all keeping their businesses open late to give everyone in the Upper Cumberland a special opportunity to shop the great assortment of products and services these progressive business owners have to offer.
Following this monthly event’s merchant activities, shoppers ambled on over to the Harvester Performance and Event Center for a “Bert’s on Thursday” concert, featuring the young, talented Trey Binkley with his bass man Mike Johnson from Youngstown, Ohio, and drummer compadre Hunter Black from Asheville, NC…the trio attends numerous Nashville live music performances. Yep, Trey gave up his Kroger day gig about a year ago and started “gigging for a living” down on Lower Broadway. From the amount of gigs Trey is being offered on a regular basis, he could probably play those venues as long as he wants to, but he confided that “I’m working live shows so much, my writing efforts have suffered a little- but I’m gonna get back to the 2-3 songs per week that I was doing before all the jobs”.
Such is the life of a full-time musician, i.e., which do you want - time to be creative, or money to pay the rent? Based on the fact that Trey Binkley played some Jimi Hendrix, ZZ Top, Pearl Jam, Waylon Jennings, Ray Wiley Hubbard’s song “Snake Farm”, and an original song he composed all in one set, certainly exhibited his willingness to appeal to listeners with varied tastes in music. The Harvester crowd obviously enjoyed each one of his forays into different genres of music as he handled the widely- varied styles with ease.
Also, (and this is huge for me), Trey Binkley is one of the few young musicians who have mentioned how much he appreciates entrepreneurs who provide a venue for young artists to be able to expose their talents - That is one of the true joys of being able to do what we do at Bert Driver’s Burlap Room and The Harvester, so in response to his kind statement, “Trey, you are VERY welcome!”
Here’s an additional observation by Trey (who grew up in Sparta): “Why, if anyone had told me when I was sixteen years old that there’d be a place like the Harvester in Smithville, Tennessee anytime in the future, I’d tell you that you were crazy!” (I loved that one..)
Next events at Bert Driver’s Burlap Room is the Upper Cumberland All-Stars performing their special Tribute to Tom Petty during our Summer Solstice Event on Saturday, June 11, 2022, and our very first Comedy Night at the Burlap Room on Bert’s on Thursday, June 23!
Also, check out bertdriver.com and sign up for our email blasts and get more info on the very first JamboEVE concert on 6/30/22 at the Harvester, and Access Tickets to the Harvester Center and private parking on Friday and Saturday, 7/1 & 7/3 during the Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree!
Next up in our 2022 Concert series at the Burlap Room, Saturday, June 11, join us for our Summer Solstice Shindig, with returning special guests the Upper Cumberland All-Stars. And on Thursday, June 23, our first Comedy Night with Amber Autry, Matt Taylor, and Ritu Tirthani live at the Burlap Room! And of course the first Jamboree VIP Weekend kicks off with Jambo Eve with Josh Driver and the Full Circle Band at the Harvester on Thursday, June 30. Stay up-to-date with all the events in the Bert Driver Network (Nursery, Burlap Room, and the newly-opened Harvester Event Center) by signing up for our Burlapper Newsletter. All tickets for all Burlap Room and Harvester Event Center can be purchased at burlaproom.eventbrite.com. See y’all here!