Hemp Fest V with LadyCouch and Damian C.
08.12.2023 - Even dodging an early Saturday afternoon tornado touchdown couldn’t deter the energies that were extended to make Hemp Fest V at Bert Driver’s Burlap Room the biggest and best Hemp Fest celebration so far.
The line-up of entertainers, vendors, and sponsors were the crème de la crème of ultimate professionalism and highest quality products available in each of their specialized fields.
The impressive list of participants and guests included:
Cumberland Cannabis Co., Platinum Sponsor
Center Hill Realty & Chalets, 2023 Series Sponsor
SnapDragon Hemp, 2023 Series Sponsor
Limestone Title & Escrow, 2023 Series Sponsor
Hurricane Marina/Suntex Boat Club, 2023 Series Sponsor
Cedar City RV, 2023 Series Sponsor
Crooked Creek Designs, 2023 Series Vendor
Quarter Spring Farm
Tennessee Hemp Alliance
Edgar Evins State Park
Tabitha Theirjung - Tangled Glass
Delta 8 Valley
Cutting Edge Solutions
Maxwell Hemp Farms
Dismal Creations
Tintype Photography
Legacy Haus
Hemp Brothers
Tio’s Taco Truck
Mo Town Sweets
Ya-Ya’s Food Truck
Following a “smoking” set of recorded music mixed by DJ Rob, Damian C, songwriter/artist from Philadelphia , opened up the live music portion of the program with a set of his “cerebral” original songs with a few covers sprinkled in to please the diverse group of attendees that started to build up as the clouds gave way to a beautiful Upper Cumberland afternoon–a perfect setting for Damian to showcase his varied talents. Be sure to follow Damian’s progress on Spotify and all the other music platform sources including being added to the eclectic playlist of Center Hill Radio - The Lake (now streaming online or download the app…available in the App Store and Google Play!).
LadyCouch: A BIG, funky band, with a BIG sound, filling the Redbud Stage with more players than any other group so far, including a full horn section, TWO keyboards, bass, guitar, mandolin, drums, flute, trumpet, fluegelhorn, tenor, alto, baritone saxes…on and on. These bunch of pro players had the audience on their feet right away, with a finger pointed up to the sky, gettin’ into the groove. o use an old jazz phrase to describe LadyCouch—”Solid”! With that big ole nasty fatback rhythm section pumpin’ along, it was indeed another “first” for the Burlap Room! How many ten-piece funk bands have you seen lately anywhere in the Upper Cumberland region?…ZERO- except for LadyCouch at Hemp Fest V!
Another successful Hemp Fest is in the books, thanks as always to the dedicated service and security staff of the Burlap Room, and A Production Company, owned/operated by Howard Bennett.
Up next up is Margaritas and Mariachi - A Mexican Heritage Celebration at the Harvester on Friday, 9/15, and back to the Burlap Room on Saturday, 10/7, for our final outdoor event of 2023 at our 4th Annual Día de los Muertos/Day of the Dead with Captain Midnight Band and costume contest for humans, and (new this year) pets, too! All the details for upcoming events at burlaproom.eventbrite.com. Stay up-to-date with all the events in the Bert Driver Network (Nursery, Burlap Room, and the Harvester) by signing up for our Burlapper Newsletter - released every other Tuesday morning straight to your inbox!
Listen to CenterHillRadio.com (streaming now online or download the app - now available in the App Store and Google Play!).