Tom Tippin with Drew Elliott
08.24.2024 - Although Saturday at the Harvester Event Center was focused on a homecoming performance by our very own Tom Tippin from Smithville, there was a whole bunch of great music on the Harv’s stage before young Tom ever hit the stage.
The early birds were treated to an excellent set of solo performances by Jimmy Wayne Garrett, who’s becoming a regular on the Flatwoods Stage. It’s been a real joy to view Jimmy Wayne’s progress from just a few years back, when he moved to the Smithville area to raise his kids, fresh from his busking days in Hot Springs, AR. Jimmy Wayne delivered a set of tasty cover songs, a few JW originals, and authentic old-time blues tunes.
Jimmy Wayne was followed by Drew Elliott (Tom Tippin’s lead guitarist), and his fantastic and innovative keyboard player, who turned in some mellow (but forceful) nouveau-sounding alternative rock sounds that ranged from Hendrix-like grooves to orchestral-feeling passages. Drew, a graduate of Belmont University, is an excellent cutting-edge guitar player/vocalist/writer whose music is available on Spotify, Pandora and all other standard music services.
And then….and THEN…following a robotic audio track that opens Tom Tippin’s show with a psychedelic NASA countdown, Tom walked out on stage dressed in what looked to be an orange astronaut suit, complete with helmet as the band “cranked it up”. Tom later explained he was a pilot and the “spacesuit” was really his orange “flight jammies”, which was just one of the “local vibe” statements he made during the show, expressing his joy at being home and being able to show Smithville off to his fellow musicians. Tom Tippin is NOT “above his raisin’”, which is very refreshing.
Although Tom performed mainly original songs from his just-released album “Imposter” , there were two notable cover tunes that also impressed me…Rocketman and Gravity. I’ve heard attempts at doing both these amazing recordings live, but I must say Tom and his band did the best live performances I’ve heard outside the original artists. Be sure to check out Tom’s latest album as well as his significant body of work on Apple Music, Spotfiy, etc.
Tom Tippin is an excellent writer, vocalist, musician, performer that has a very positive, professional work ethic–the music biz is def lost in the woods if this young man does not receive the attention and fame that he deserves if he continues the course he’s chosen for himself so far.
In front of the stage, it’s easy to see how solid and yet exciting his performance is–backstage, working with him is a true joy…welcome home to the Harvester, Tom Tippin, hope you had as much fun as we did! You’ve always got a place at the Harvester!
Tom Tippin at the Harvester Event Center would not be the experience it was without support from:
our top-notch Harvester Security and Service Staff
Lala’s Mexican Specialty Food - (YUM!)
Phillip Stafford and the Harvester Technical Team
Up next is a special Swing Dance Workshop on Wednesday, 9/4, which includes FREE admission for all attendees to The Hi-Jivers with Wild Bill and the Bruisers on Friday, 9/6, and our 5th Annual Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead with Plainview Vibes and Austin Grimm on Friday, 11/1. More shows in the works to finish out the year!
Stay tuned for upcoming special music events at the Harvester, and stay up-to-date with all the events in the Bert Driver Network (Nursery, Burlap Room, and the Harvester) by signing up for our ‘The Local Vibe’ Newsletter - released the first Tuesday of the month, straight to your inbox! And don’t forget the Harvester is for rent: corporate events and parties, weddings, receptions, graduations, baby showers, or whatever you’re celebrating, we host ‘em all! Contact us for more information, and check us out on Wedding Wire or The Knot!