Middle Tennessee Nursery Association Annual Meeting at the Harvester
10.05.2023 - The Middle Tennessee Nursery Association hosted their annual meeting in Smithville, TN, at the Harvester Event Center. The evening began in the late afternoon with smooth piano and vocals from Mike Clayton as the capable bar staff provided craft cocktails and craft beverages. While the music played, nurserymen from across the region had a chance to visit and relax before the keynote speaker began from the Flatwoods Stage.
Dr. Emma Lookabaugh was the feature speaker, delivering the best talk and ways to treat plants before you have a problem. From foliar fungus to the spread of disease in a crop, the research that Dr. Lookabaugh has done benefits all of horticulture especially the nursery growers in middle Tennessee.
After Dr. Emma wrapped up, guests moved to the front of the building, called International Hall, which overlooks beautiful West Main Street in Historic Downtown Smithville, Tennessee. The MTNA conducted their business meeting and had a meal served from The Harvester's well equipped catering kitchen.
Thanks to the sponsors of this event: Jennifer Webber with Southern Ag and Mindy Money with D-BASF.
If your trade organization is looking for a place to host a meeting or social function, please contact The Harvester today!
Up next is Comedy Night with Monty Mitchell and Joe Kelley on Thursday, 10/12, Lady Lady (just announced!) on Thursday, 10/26, and the next round of Finally Fridays with Steady Rotation on Friday, 11/3, JL Fulks on Friday, 11/10, and Kaleah Wooten on Friday, 11/17 at the Harvester. Stay up-to-date with all the events in the Bert Driver Network (Nursery, Burlap Room, and the Harvester) by signing up for our ‘Local Vibe’ Newsletter - released every other Tuesday morning straight to your inbox!
And remember that you too can rent The Harvester year round…weddings, retirement parties, corporate retreats, quinceanera, company Christmas parties, most anything you can dream up: contact us for more information.